Monday, December 29, 2008

World Wide Wedding Day - Hari Perkahwinan Sedunia~

i named today with the title above - World Wide Wedding Day.

because i dramatically attended 3 weddings in a day.

yes i make it real!

the most numbers of wedding i had attend is at most 2. but this is 3. again 3 okay.

orite, i hope next time i will able to attend 4 or more wedding in a day. Not possible if it might happens in the future. Oh i hope i will, dare me?

yes today is the World Wide Wedding Day.

"Pukul lah tabuh, pukul lah tabuh pukul rebana.."

Selamat Pengantin Baru to;

1) Kak Azwa - my always-missed ex-room mate
2) Kak As - ex colleague
4) Afif - Wanie the Copot brother

Semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat!

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