Thursday, April 23, 2009

Someone is Leaving!

Today’s my very last day at DICT.

I feel so-so reluctant. It’s hard to say goodbye, hurt to wave my hand behind.

Yes, today I am really-seriously-definitely leaving!

I am leaving..finally.

I am leaving for good.
I am leaving for an opened broad doorway, for a lighter path of life in the future.
I am leaving for the sake of my coming ages.

The feels of leaving are so sucks.

To leave, I feel like losing something.
To leave, I feel a deepest sadness especially when we are partially in the bound and circle of unity.
To leave, I know I am gonna miss everything here.

And, for that,
I keep consoling myself to cheer up and out.

You should be proud of what you have been.

You should grow stronger and tougher for what you are seeking for, for what you are reaching for.

But my deepest wishes are;

~May our warmest friendship of this DICT remains forever~

~Dear palz, don’t ever forget me the way I am going not to forget all of you~

~Dear friends, just wanna let you guyz know that I am so lucky and glad to have such friends like you~

~Dear friends, pray me all success and happiness in this new career, and I will always pray for all of you for the best in your future and life~

~Dear everyone I am leaving, stay cool and happening, stay the way you are, work smarter and harder (but not much hard remember, leisure is an essential remember ;p), and be the best worker for DICT.


And I am Going To Miss the Chicken Dance, the Poco-Poco, The Perangkaan LunchMeal, the Big Laugh with my friends here, The Picnic-in-Office, The Photo Hip n Shot, everything!


p/s: Ayu and Tina, we still going han-out yah?? Love our girly days. Thanks for giving so much motivation and support.

p/s: Kak Wan, moga cita-cita tercapai n sentiasa gembira dalam hidup. Thanks for being such a nice and lovely sister of mine and the motivation. Jaga Sciencefund leklok, n Azra doakan Kak Wan will becum a teacher one day.

p/s: Yana, take care of your pregnancy. Tak sabar-sabar nak tunggu the new born baby. Must be as cute as the mother. ;p Thanks a lot banyak tolong.

p/s: Kak Mona, as DICT President Club, jangan luper invite Alumni DICT utk join xtvt DICT. Hehe.

p/s: The rest of DICTianz, thanks for being behind me, getting all the sweet and enjoying moments in here.





Sweet memories~~

With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---


wan said...

huhu..sedeyla pulokk..sedeyla u takde taw.. tp kite still bley ber sms n kolin2 n mcm2 yer.. rindunye kt u taw.. tp xperla, 4 ur own future.. kwn kite kumpol ramai2 taw, musuh jgn skaleyyyy kali..dats it..

LaDy_ZeRa said...

kak wan,
gonna miss u too!missin' ur laugh, ur tease, ur mischieveness, ur advice, ur care, everything about u!

nanti jumpa lagi tau!

AyureQ said...

ayu blk td terus nangis..tahla..

rase kehilangan teramat sgt..

LaDy_ZeRa said...

i am missing u too dear..

miss u alot!

frens forever k..

nanti kita gurls-day-out lg..


kayyana said...

azra.. what a very sad speech.. i will gonna to miss u.. miss u'r penutup n ulasan or kesimpulan.. miss your bling2 clothes.. and whatever about u.. thanks for the doa n support.. be a good girl k.. dont forget us.. nnti kite chat dlm ym je lah.. takpun dlm fs wlupun fs kene block kan.. tp still ada imo.. huhuhu.. jgn sedey2 nnti melel..(ayat sarimah dlm diary af) huhuu

aizura said...

sedey sungguh bace blog ni..
good luck ye azra :)..

Nurul Binti Ibunya said...

leaving to where?


LaDy_ZeRa said...

yana dearie,

sdey giler bace comment yana nie, bergenang air mata..i da melel* dah~~huu
ok alwiz keep iin touch k..

kak zura dearie,
thanks sis..

leaving for a new career..