Soul therapy - SHOPPING.
Venue: Sogo, KL.
Event: Sogo [not so] Big Sale.
Date: March 21st, 2009 (Saturday)
The Who: Miss Azra N' Miss Norul

~My new properties~
Eventually, I grabbed this 2 stuffs out of the Sale stock!
-The heels-
(oh i suda fitting2 session okeh ;p )

-the sweetheart handbagie-
(my fav brand - B.U.M)

Family Picnic + Family Day.
Venue: Sg. Gabai, Hulu Langat.
Event: My dad's department office Family Day. It's much more about picnic tho~ LOL.
Date: March 22nd, 2009 (Sunday)
The Who: Mi Familia and other group of families.

-The beautiful view-

-My adek mandi2-

This is the lowest waterfalls site. There are several more up higher!

I tak mandi, cuci mata jer!
And climbing up the waterfalls hill..

The damn high up-going path to the higher level or gradient of waterfalls.
I estimated about over 300 stairways up to the top.
Can U imagine we climbed up to about 160m!
Phew, boley tahan penat gak mendaki! Mujur I suka mendaki~

Stop by the stair for a photo-shot session.
The speed flowing waterfalls at my back sangat2 shantekkkk!!

Ok, sini la kawasan air terjun paling tinggi-boleh picnic and mandi2. Note that this site is about 160m high from the base!

Mari turun balik.

Dan pulang.
(In the car on the way back)
si adek comey~

Sampai2 rumah terus tido LENA..
n petangnya tengok Hot Air Balloon Festival lak.
Goodbye weekend.
I'l cherish some other great and enjoying weekend next time, ok dear me?
With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---
Soul therapy - SHOPPING.
Venue: Sogo, KL.
Event: Sogo [not so] Big Sale.
Date: March 21st, 2009 (Saturday)
The Who: Miss Azra N' Miss Norul
~My new properties~
Eventually, I grabbed this 2 stuffs out of the Sale stock!
-The heels-
(oh i suda fitting2 session okeh ;p )
-the sweetheart handbagie-
(my fav brand - B.U.M)
Family Picnic + Family Day.
Venue: Sg. Gabai, Hulu Langat.
Event: My dad's department office Family Day. It's much more about picnic tho~ LOL.
Date: March 22nd, 2009 (Sunday)
The Who: Mi Familia and other group of families.
-The beautiful view-
-My adek mandi2-
This is the lowest waterfalls site. There are several more up higher!
I tak mandi, cuci mata jer!
And climbing up the waterfalls hill..
The damn high up-going path to the higher level or gradient of waterfalls.
I estimated about over 300 stairways up to the top.
Can U imagine we climbed up to about 160m!
Phew, boley tahan penat gak mendaki! Mujur I suka mendaki~
Stop by the stair for a photo-shot session.
The speed flowing waterfalls at my back sangat2 shantekkkk!!
Ok, sini la kawasan air terjun paling tinggi-boleh picnic and mandi2. Note that this site is about 160m high from the base!
Mari turun balik.
Dan pulang.
(In the car on the way back)
si adek comey~
Sampai2 rumah terus tido LENA..
n petangnya tengok Hot Air Balloon Festival lak.
Goodbye weekend.
I'l cherish some other great and enjoying weekend next time, ok dear me?
With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---
beshhnyer beshhh nyer...
mau shoping jugak!!
mau g piknik jugak!!
mau mandi manda jugak!!!!
i think i need a cuti cuti malaysia 2....HUHUHUHUH
yeah u shud too dear,
and i'm looking forward to have a more long-period day off too..i need a break!
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