This is what is called 'GILA'!!
Watch this picture carefully and chronologically, don't miss even even 1!
You will GET SHOCKED at the end of the picture shown.
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----- Picture 12 ------

----- Nah this is the photo of the crazy women ------

Hello devil woman, Even tho I don't adore cats that much, but at least I do have feeling of not torturing such a cute cat. How dare you! Kesiann sgt dengan cat tu. I couldn't afford to see the few last picture of the cat. Full of blood. Sampai terburai otak and mata sumer.. Kesiann sgt2..
That woman is so bitchy crazy. Insane!
Photo source: Chained Email from Kak Wan. with message: sila sebar ke seluruh dunia wanita kejam ini.
So, i did spread this out thru this channel. I'm doin' my job, what about you?
Watch this picture carefully and chronologically, don't miss even even 1!
You will GET SHOCKED at the end of the picture shown.
----- Picture 1 ------
----- Picture 2 ------
----- Picture 3 ------
----- Picture 4 ------
----- Picture 5 ------
----- Picture 6 ------
----- Picture 7 ------
----- Picture 8 ------
----- Picture 9 ------
----- Picture 10 ------
----- Picture 11 ------
----- Picture 12 ------
----- Nah this is the photo of the crazy women ------
Hello devil woman, Even tho I don't adore cats that much, but at least I do have feeling of not torturing such a cute cat. How dare you! Kesiann sgt dengan cat tu. I couldn't afford to see the few last picture of the cat. Full of blood. Sampai terburai otak and mata sumer.. Kesiann sgt2..
That woman is so bitchy crazy. Insane!
Photo source: Chained Email from Kak Wan. with message: sila sebar ke seluruh dunia wanita kejam ini.
So, i did spread this out thru this channel. I'm doin' my job, what about you?
npe ko ltk gmbr ni..
aku pon de dpt email cmni gak..
eiii...gile pompuan tuh..
tipu kot...
akan menjalan kan tugas n amanah utk sebarkn email tu...
dlm email tu die tulis "sila sebar ke seluruh dunia wanita kejam ini" aku da sebarkan la ni,huhu...
eish xkn tipu kot, tu terburai sgla isi kepala ngn mata2 tergolek lg..
siann kn...
siot tol minah tul.
mintak2 die mati kene gilis lori n kepale teburai cm tu gak. amin.
yup, kijamm sungguh itu minah!!
gilak pnye pmpuan ni... azra cmne intrview aritu. bile nak lepak2 alamanda~~ hehe
to ridz: interview ok, i'v done my best. pasni doa n tawakal je..
alamanda?boley2, anytime je roger2 dulu~
to kueh bakar: aduh duh duh duh...
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