Atas permintaan ramai (ramai la sgt.haha.ceh, perasan je), saya upload my photo percutian@Langkawi.
p/s: Saja namakan percutian. Sebab i enjoyyyyyy... tapi balik2 je demam. haha. terlebey enjoy la namenye tu. ;p
----Before bertolak-----
------Fly thru the sky------

------That is Langkawi!-------

--------Langkawi Pulau Legenda-------

-------Sawah luas terbentang--------
(jakun jap time ne,maklumla i tak penah tengok sawah,ihik)
-Our Hotel: Aseania Hotel-
--------The activity---------
--------BBQ n Citrawarna Nite--------
-Poco2 & Chicken Dance-

1,2,3...say cheese!!!!!
---------Last Day---------
Goodbye Langkawi. Till meet again.
Percutian ini sangat best. Much laughter and sweet memory.
p/s: I love most the 'Chicken Dance'. Hey can u please turn on the music n let's dance together. The floor is ours!
p/s: I borong chocolate banyak2 tau!! Kate chocaholic kan...yummy..sedapnye chocolate....
With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---
nak ikooootttt!!
nak g langkawi gakkk!!
hehe, best tau gi langkawi..
lenkali kite wat trip rmai2 1 ukm lak..ahaks~
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