Yesza dapat gak tengok this movie..
And it was so superb! sangat best! i give 5 star!
Sandra Bullock play it very nice and cool!
And i feel like watching it once again.
Hey, im telling you, you guyz shud go and watch this movie, satisfaction guaranteed!
With Love, ---{@ Lady Zera @}---
hahaha..btul2..mmg best
see see see!
cite ni mmg best giler kn!
huhu..ayu, tna yg tgk pon ckp besh sgt2.. nk jugakla g tgk..tp xleh la..xnk g kt tpt2 awam la..
sgt sgt sgt setuju!!!!
beshhhh giler!!!!
ad gak rs cam mau tgk lg!!!
kan kan kan!!
cite tu memang best giler 10x..
kak wan gi la tgk, takpe tgk smbl pkai mask pn tape..hehe
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