Mine aritu at SPA putrajaya, room G,with turn no.6. tu pun kul 12 br smpai my turn..dlm 12.30 br abes intrvw..Abes je interview tu rase LEGA sgt2, lagi lega dari time abes exam final kt UKM dulu. Rase cam terlepas satu benda berat dari dalam kepala. Rasa nak lari2 cakap hoorayyyyy, da abesssss!!!
My panel 2 org, 1 function as chairman and he will be the moderator of the interview session. the chairman of my session is a dato'. His name is Dato' Zawaai. But I'm not sure from which department he come from. He the 1 that asked most of the times. And he's a very direct person. And did lot of provocation.
Ok i'm tellin u guyz that my session was 90% conducted in English. And this is as requested by the panel. Even the ques is raised in BM by the panel but he wanna me to answer in English. Last2 baru dapat jawab BM, tu pun panel lg sorang (yg baik and sempoi) yg tanya.
overally i can say i'v been questioned for up to 20-25 question in the whole session.. (dasat kan?!) b4 my turn no.6 tu sempat lagi selak2 buku Malaysia kita (for final second round) mmg abes sume dasar2 negara tepu dlm otak.. hehe, bajet kne soal la pasal dasar2 negara, last2 dlm my interview tu satu soalan psl dasar negara pun tak ditanya.. and expect gak isu2 semasa akan ditanya (expect tanya psl perak, ekonomi semasa, PPSMI, gejala sosial d sekolah, bajet mini etc) tapi satu isu pn tak ditanya..
banyak tanya pasal diri sendiri je. study background, banyak tanya pasal co-K involvement, work experience, y to become a PTD, what my qualityand skill I have to be selected as a PTD, ur ambition and future perception, about PTD, my contribution in gov sector as PTD in the future. And tibe2 dapat satu question psl DNA since I come from Science background. Pasal isu DNA as template in forensic field.
Soalan lain ade tnya pasal prinsip pengurusan, beza Kementerian dan Jabatan, apa pengalaman dalam management, n soalan yg aku rasa agak2 tough is when he provoc y i prefer to become a PTD since I am from Science background. 'If u intend to work in government sector, u still can be a Science officer or Research Officer rather than be a PTD. Huh, time ni kene la pandai2 teguhkan pendirian y i want to be a PTD, keluar sume prospek2 PTD yang baik. Syukur la aku da khatam buku 'Kerjaya Sebagai Pegawai Tadbir n Diplomatik' tulisan En.Salehuddin yg sgt2 disarankan untuk dibaca. ;)
ok tu la sedkt sebyk yg i ley share.
I also dont know what to expect for my interview performance BUT i believe i've done my best. Selebihnya terserah kepada penilaian dan pandangan panel interviewer. Dan aku tawakkal pada rezeki Tuhan nak bagi. Dan akan trus berdoa agar ade rezeki di situ.
hehe, ni kire aku dapat soklan kacang la..i mean all about myself.. tp org kate tnya psl diri sndiri lg tough sbb kne yakinkan y we shud b chosen as the PTD..
kne promote diri giler2 la..
tp ade je kwn2 lain panel bg soalan fakta..cm dasar2 dlm dan luar negara..
opinion pasal sistem pentadbiran negara n common issue..
mcm2 la..
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