When i wuz juz arriving home this evening, i wuz told by Mama of this 1 news that kinda creepy la..
Our next door neighbor is robbed! Seram siot..
And i tell u guyz, these people losing props amounted up to RM26,ooo!!
But the weird is no sign or any trace of burglary into the house since all the door and window were all ok. good condition. no smash no glass break no damage at all!
And the worst is, the resident is not awaken all the time the incident took place!
That part which makes this story much more creepy!
Dunno what actually happened. Only God knows~
From that time onwards I alwiz make sure all doors were locked, all windows were closed tight.
N more beware!
The thing is, not the money, the properties or wutsoeva the very much wealth u have, but definitely us ourselves! the safety!
How much we are securing and protecting ourselves, I believe there is one who are more PROTECTING. The ultimate protecter, Him. Allah s.w.t.
Trust Him, He will protecting us.
Semoga kami selamat dan aman sentosa di bawah lindunganMu..
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