Ramadhan is going to the end. Ntah nape, I kalau boley nak more n more Ramadhan days. Nape masa cepat berlalu. Everything sooooo fast. I still want to cherish my every day, my every single moment with joy n happiness. For this Ramadhan, still nak lalui n menyambut setiap detik penuh berkat Ramadhan.
Ow ow. Rasa macam baru 1st Ramadhan aritu. In fact seyesly I rasa mcam baru je berpose n beraye tahun lepas. Tup tup da masuk raya ta0n baru. Hurmmmmmm..
Well, bulan Ramadhan ni masa saya sungguh terisi. With program buka pose ngan kawan2, best frens, colleagues, geng2 bas skola, geng bace buku, haih mcm2 geng la plak. Ehehe..
Towards d end of Ramadhan pun, boley kata almost everyday ada prog. Biasa la hari2 terakhir bulan pose. Tapi still hoping dat I can do the terawih as well.
Selamat berpuasa to all Muslims! Take advantages to increase our good deeds in this holy month. =)
With Love,
Lady Zera
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