Tuesday, September 1, 2009

;'( Not Well ;'(

Dear all..

How do you do?

I don't feel well today. Well actually since last Thursday, dah sakit-sakit tekak. And somehow semalam, after balik dari Program Buka Puasa Alumni SMSS, I diserang En.Flu. And kali ni agak teruk. Hidung I sakit sangat and gatal-gatal and berair. Adoi la. Dah start batuk-batuk tapi k***k taknak keluar. And my sore throat worsen. Sakit giler!

And more tragic, tengah hari tadi I kena hujan. Hisy!

*Marah diri sendiri*

I tak berniat nak biarkan diri I kena hujan tapi keadaan tadi adalah memaksakan. I terpaksa meredah hujan, dengan doa and harapan I tak demam.

And now,
I am feeling NOT well, I feel cold the whole body. Tangan I sejuk like an ice. Seriously!

What's going on me?

'Ya Tuhan, sembuhkanlah rasa sakitku ini. Jauhilah aku dari perkara-perkara yang tidak baik dan dari sebarang mala petaka. Aku bermohon agar diberi kesihatan baik yang berpanjangan.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin'

Esok saya nekad mahu pergi ke klinik untuk buat check-up, walaupun saya cuba positif that this simptom is only normal flu and fever, but dalam keadaan yang tak berapa sihat worldwide ni, I have to be concern to do the medical check-up. Hope that nothing bad will happen.

Do pray the good things for me.

p/s: My mom did advice me that I have to drink plenty of water. But how? We are fasting. The only time is when berbuka and bersahur, the rest is sleeping all night. Shud I break my fast just to cure my illness and gain healthiness - only for this case?

And hari ni, I almost habiskan satu kotak tisu kat meja I ni - asyik kesat2 hidung and, klau batuk je kan dinasihatkan pakai tisu then terus buang. Imagine I cough over 30 times per day, hidung berair lagi, mana tak nya boleh habis tisu satu kotak tu.

With Love, ---{@ Lady Zera @}---


kdee said...

check dr k..n get well soon...!

LaDy_ZeRa said...

thnx kdee... :)