Monday, May 25, 2009

Moment Capture

Hye all..

Lam x update cni..quite bz la..

actly byk nk update dlm blog nie..byk benda nk cite tp lum smpt lg..

nanti la ada masa pnjg saya update mcm2 kt cni..

1st of all, alhmdlh Ajiq da baik sket till the last day I left house - yesterday (Sunday). Ari sabtu n Ahad tu pns die da kurang sket. N hope sok when I hv reach home, he'l totally recovered! Amin!

Nway, when I write this, I was being at Everly Resort Hotel, Malacca - for a workshop organized by my minsitry. And it will end tomorrow.Yippie!

But, I am telling you that this hotel is damn superb! Sume ada kat cni - beach, swimming pool, gym, wifi (a reason to tell how I can access to the internet now n here), game centre, karaoke, nearby to the city, everything! n the service is 5-star with delicous meals. Oh d cni saya menggemukkan diri sendiri dgn mkn 6 kali sehari! (pasni kne diet la. LOL.)

Ok, nanti ble free I'l upload all the photos I'v taken in this hotel.. =)

Tadi petang ada gap 3 jam, sempat gak saya round2 melaka, tp x abes explore sume tempat la..dah la tak penah drive dlm mlaka ni, ley lak td I membranikan diri drive n explore jalan kt melaka ni..hehe.takpe, it's some process of learning.hee ;>

Ok.mata da nantok sangat da nie. sok last day bengkel. taknak ngantuk. then abes program, nk pusing2 mlaka lagi. seb baik ada en.ayam n en.kuda..hehe.tq jd tuan rumah!

ok, i'l update some more later.TC..daa~~

With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---


tna said...

melaka mmg beshh!!!!!
welcome to melaka bandar bersejarah!!!!
g r pekena mkn ikan bakar kt umbai..
cendol kt bandar mlk..
otak otak kt pntai klebang..:P

kdee said... gile

wan said...

wa...da syokla yer..asek2 jln jer..menggemoxkan diri..k la tuh.. hrp nk p sdiri bile agi yer?hehe

LaDy_ZeRa said...

hotel i duk tu mg kt klebang, tp x smpt nk pekena otak2 sbb time bersiar2 tu perut da full giler..cendol da mkn da yg dkt stadyus tu..nk gi umbai lak x smpt la, smpt pusing town mlaka je..xpe2 next time gi al kot..huu

mmg best wo! ;p

kak wan:
tu ah rase cm gemox je nie.xtau la nk gi ble lg..lau org mlaca ajak dtg i gi la kot..huu