Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Day

Hye peeps!

Lame x update my blog..windu..

I'v been busy for past several days for some important matter..

Alhamdulillah, everything settled.

Last Friday, dah lapor diri PTD kat Intan Bukit Kiara. For that day onwards, saya dah bergelar PTD. Macam tak percaya je. Papepun once sum1 is called PTD, it means he/she is taking a BIG responsibility to the public service, to the Malaysian citizen.

I'l do the best untuk berkerja untun negara dan rakyat. InsyaAllah.

Hari lapor diri tu, sume PTD new intake berkumpul. Kitorang diber taklimat dulu before diberi surat penempatan kerja.

Rasa seronok gak dapat jumpa sume rakan-rakan seperjuangan. 90% are youngsters among those 20++ at age.

And sempat jumpa senior2 kolej and UKM dulu yang sama-sama dilantik PTD like Kak Liyana Fariha and Abang Zul.

I've been posted to MONRE- Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment.
U know wut, this is the ministry of where I did my practical (industrial training) last time. Haha-back to old place.

Apa2pun, alhamdulillah, sume selesai. Mana2 pun yang saya ditempatkan saya terima dengan hati terbuka dan penuh bersemangat.

Oh yes, dalam tempoh 2-3 tahun ni, we all batch PTD hv to go thru several series of course and evaluation. This time punye intake format quite tough la.

FYI, format lantikan PTD bermula 2009 dah bertukar. And we are the first batch. We all will come over tougher days.

In short time, we have to attend KURSUS INDUKSI PTD kat INTAN Wilayah Selatan (IKWAS) on 4th-8th May 2009. And I cn imagine how the course going to be tough. Huhh~~

Papepun saya akan wat yang terbaik - sehabis baik.

Ya Tuhan, mudah2an aku dipermudahkan segala urusan. AMinnn~

With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---

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