Back again.
Meh ushar pix meh.
Ni la our hotel.

Tanglung CNY.

Byk sungguh pix ngah mkn. nampak sgt la kitorang mkn byk kt sane. mmg btol pon. hikhik~


Ari 2nd last day,
petang tu da free n easy cuz module pun sume da abes.
Everybody free to do anything they wish to.
So petang tu aku n Tina meneruskan misi terbesar kami - mandi-manda kat Water World.
Yess. Finally got it!!
Before gerak ke Water World yg agk jauh gk dr hotel, as usual picta-snapping!!

Excited nye nak gi mandi.

Kitorang gi Water World nek shuttle - a premiere transportation kat dlm area A Famosa Resort tu. RM1 per way.
Ni pix dlm shuttle.

Baru sampai entrance Water World. Bergamba jap ngn Mr.Mascott.

Welcome to water world!! =)

Tina excitement.

These are couples of picture around the water world. Chantek kan??

Lame gak kitorang mandi-manda. dlm 2 jam camtu. Puas la maen gelongsor tu baper kali round daa..haha~
Sorry takde pix mandi-manda. Restricted okayyy..
After da mandi-manda, get changed n evrythng, kitorang amek gmbr lagi area water world before balik. yippie!!
Nie la gambar lompat+terbang aku. Haha.

Balik hotel nek shuttle lagi,n..pose!!!

More pix??next post... =)
Meh ushar pix meh.
Ni la our hotel.
Tanglung CNY.
Byk sungguh pix ngah mkn. nampak sgt la kitorang mkn byk kt sane. mmg btol pon. hikhik~
Ari 2nd last day,
petang tu da free n easy cuz module pun sume da abes.
Everybody free to do anything they wish to.
So petang tu aku n Tina meneruskan misi terbesar kami - mandi-manda kat Water World.
Yess. Finally got it!!
Before gerak ke Water World yg agk jauh gk dr hotel, as usual picta-snapping!!
Excited nye nak gi mandi.
Kitorang gi Water World nek shuttle - a premiere transportation kat dlm area A Famosa Resort tu. RM1 per way.
Ni pix dlm shuttle.
Baru sampai entrance Water World. Bergamba jap ngn Mr.Mascott.
Welcome to water world!! =)
Tina excitement.
These are couples of picture around the water world. Chantek kan??
Lame gak kitorang mandi-manda. dlm 2 jam camtu. Puas la maen gelongsor tu baper kali round daa..haha~
Sorry takde pix mandi-manda. Restricted okayyy..
After da mandi-manda, get changed n evrythng, kitorang amek gmbr lagi area water world before balik. yippie!!
Nie la gambar lompat+terbang aku. Haha.
Balik hotel nek shuttle lagi,n..pose!!!
More pix??next post... =)
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