Hye readers..
Me back again.
Kalau ade yg notice my previous post, cite how dilemma I am, sgt2 bingung n keliru. Dilema dlm mmbuat kputusan, susahnye nak buat keptusan wktu tu.
For weeks, I am so messed up. Banyak benda nak pike n wat dlm 1 masa. Byk benda nak kne consider. I am keep thinking n thinkig for several weeks to make a decision n to make sure my decision is the best for me.
N finally on 18th December 2008 - aku da membuat satu keputusan!
My decision is postpone my master (suppose to register on 18th Dec 2008 n start class at 29th).
Sebab-sebabnya adlh sperti berikut:
1) I am waiting for PAC (PTD Assessment Centre) result in which according to SPA officer, the result will b out around Jan 2009 - if pass this PAC - will called for interview around Feb 2009 - so, estimately to start posting around March/April 2009 (if pass the interview anyway) - in case la aku smbung master december ni, then tbe2 kne panggil start duty s PTD in that March/April (kalau ade rezeki lulus PAC n interview la. try to b positive), so means that my study in master akan terkandas/tergantung tgh2 jalan sbb I dont ever finish the final semesrer examination - ini bermksud aku akn gagal semester sbb berhenti tgh2 jalan, so duit + yuran pngajian sume burnt! - that's y I think I shud postpone my master semntara menunggu result PTD n wut comes next.
2) Aku sgt sayangkan kerja aku skrg ni. well I wud like to say that the real reason I wanna stay is becuz my team mates in the office. Kitorang sgt serasi, n aku tak bersedia lagi nk tggalkan kwn2 ofismate ni. Ayu pn decide nak stay lagi kt department ni. N most of thing, tak smpai hati nak tinggalkan kerja skrg, cz my task ni still rancak n need continuous supervision + management. Klau aku blah dr ofis ni, tak tau ape jadi ngn projek-projek yg aku handle ni - sure kelam kabut camne mase mule2 aku take over. Aku kesian kt bos aku, susah plak die nak train org baru. Frankly speaking aku penat gak wat keje ni, tapi kuatkan semangat sbb ade kwn2 yg sporting n supportive n entertaining. Work environment pn so far still ok.
3) Nak kukuhkan financial. Nak blaja pn finance mesti ade, mesti kukuh. Aku nak blaja ni taknak gune sesen pn duit my parents. Biar ats usaha aku sndiri. So dgn extension of my current work ni, hopefully dpt mengukuhkn lg financial aku. Ahaks. =) N my boss pn is attempting to promote few of us to higher position, Kire upgrade la. gaji pn upgrade. I am waiting for that! =)
4) Ikut gerak hati. Few weeks ni aku mintak petunjuk dr-Nya agar bantu aku wat keptusan yg terbaik. InsyaAllah n ALhamdulilah ini adalah gerak hati aku. Semoga Tuhan terus dan sentiasa bantu aku untuk memilih jalan yang benar. Aminn..
Aku berdoa agar keputusn yg aku dah amek ni adlh yg terbaik utk diri aku. InsyaAllah~
Finally. I'v made the decision! Hurmmm.. (sambil menghela nafas lega yg pnjang) ;)
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