Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This is It

Hey buddy!

As I promise u, I akan upload video persembahan I masa malam BBQ @ Lumut. I sang SOooooo SPONTANEOUSLY dengan takde lyric reference, and Brader Guitar pun goreng gitar secara spontan and takde key reference.

Haha. Yang funny tu, at one part, I terlupa lirik. Kah kah. Laugh me, audience. =) Tapi I sangat enjoy! Hehe.

.Adik Yuna.

With Love,
---{@ Lady Zera @}---

Met my GirlFies


Jumpa kawan-kawan lame. Oh indahnya. Dorang memang geng-geng lame I. Yang I lame tak jumpa. Especially Eexxaa. Giler kau lame tak jumpa! Last time bulan Ogos 2008 iaitu hari Graduasi kami. Well, dorang ni sume geng kolej masa kt U. 1st year sampai 3rd year tetap geng.

Eexaa - Now da jadik cekgu owkeh! So chumel je rasanye if kita panggil die Cikgu Iza je. Oh-ho! And well, I can see her attitude of being a teacher. Truth sensei. Warhhhhhhh. Erm masih hu-ha macam dulu. Funny her. I loike. Ngee..

Nadeah - Still cute macam dulu. Cute macam I. Haha. Nak jugak tuh kata diri sendiri cute. Nadeah kawan pendengar setia I, dulu slalu jadi 'the one that have a shoulder to cry on'. Sekarang pun same. I rase nak nages je I kontek Nadeah ni. Haha tak malu kan. Da besar panjang nak nages2 lagi. Ahh pedulik ape saya. Hihi. Ow ow ya. Nadeah skang keje kat Nilai.

Kak Jarah - Hurm, ni geng tp yang super senior sket dari we all. 3 years older. Kecik molek je. And kuat crapping gak. Macam I. Kah kah. 2x5=10. Masih single wooo. So siapa mahu, nanti I kenalkan. hehe.

Then we karok bagai. Wah lalala. Boley pulak kitorang siap berdiri atas kusyen kotak muzika tu sambil berjoget-joget, ahai! Pastu siap kena sound dengan brader kotak muzika tu. Kah kah. Padan muka kitorang.

Eh eh. macam tak syok pulak cerita takde gamba. Ok gamba nanti I upload kendian. Orite.

With Love,
---{@ Lady Zera @}---

Please think of other's side then only you talk more

Yeah. Mean it. Please think of other's side then only you talk more. Get it, huh?

Well, today I feel a bit buzzing and upset lorrr. Marah and geram pun ade.

Tengah hari tadi makan lunch dengan colleagues. They were 3 of us, I'm the only girl while the rest are men. And macam-macam la benda borak. Well you know la kan, time lunch je la ade time nk borak macam tu. And kalau dah borak merapu meraban, macam2 la topic kuar. Sampai la to this 1 topic.. Pasal perempuan mengandung.

And tibe2, sorang my fren tu cakap, "Tapi lelaki lagi seksa nak layan perempuan

With Love,
---{@ Lady Azra@Zera @}---

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Special Ramadhan


Hye peeps.


Bulan Ramadhan kali nih saye rase sgt2 hepy n seronok.
Maybe there's something special bout this tyme Ramadhan. Oh My Ramadhan!
Kali ni sy eksaited nk harungi bln pose, lagi jaga ibadah sy, bykkn tarawih, join charity, menderma etc.
Sy btol2 rase Ramadhan kali ni special dr sebelum2 ni.
Actly ade lg reason y i m feeling that this Ramadhan is soooooo special.
Shhhhh. Rasiee.
Thank You Allah.

With Love,
Lady Zera

The Come Back


Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani..

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

Alhamdullah after months (years perhaps), now I'm back. I'm gonna write again.
I miss this so much.

Alhamdullah I m very fine, I m very happy. So this is me, the storyteller of My Sketches Of Life.


With Love,
Lady Zera

Monday, February 14, 2011

Loved Ones.

Hye all.

Loved ones. Nope. I'm not gonna write about 'loved one' yang awak2 sume pike tuh. These loved ones is those stuff I loved very much. Sayer ingin share apa yang saya sayang sangat in this bloggie.

Well guyz wait for it ya. Saya bukan nyer jenis mudah utk share dgn uols every single things dat too me itz private tp tetibe rase nak share..Heee.. ;)

Tunggu n lihat. Okey okey okey. *wink2*

Gambar hiasan jew...hihi...

With Love,
Lady Zera


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,

Dear all..long tyme no c larh kan! N now.......i'm back. :)
Its been a long long tyme since I havent jot down ere. Lame sungguh. Lame x singgah my beloved bloggie nih. Well in fact itz 2 much to write around ere, too much to share. Rinduu. Sgt2 rinduu.

Well, saya menyepikan diri wat sekalian lamanye, its for reason. Actly I do have lotza stories and thoughts but I MISSED to share it here. Times take me to c n think, to cheer n rest, to smile n get better.

Thank You Allah for keep me the right way, the right intuition.


Well, m hoping so much that I nevva late to wish u guys A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 (even though its already feb hehe). may this year wil b a great2 year..

And..also. Hepy BESDAY 2 ME. Thanks mom me had gimme a born to this world.

"Dear Allah, I wished for greater happiness, success, calmness, strength, luck, gud health, God-blessing n all gud things in my life, for the years ahead.. May all my dreams cum true..aminnnnn.. " (>_<)

With Love,
Lady Zera

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Donation to charity home

In conjuntion with my previous entry yang ni, saya masih mencari charity home yang sesuai for the donations.

Awak sume ade suggestion tak charity home mane yang ok utk kite derma barang2 nih.. kalau ade suggestion or based on pngalaman, lemme knoe ya.. TQ.


With Love,
Lady Zera

Towards D End Of Ramadhan

Ramadhan is going to the end. Ntah nape, I kalau boley nak more n more Ramadhan days. Nape masa cepat berlalu. Everything sooooo fast. I still want to cherish my every day, my every single moment with joy n happiness. For this Ramadhan, still nak lalui n menyambut setiap detik penuh berkat Ramadhan.

Ow ow. Rasa macam baru 1st Ramadhan aritu. In fact seyesly I rasa mcam baru je berpose n beraye tahun lepas. Tup tup da masuk raya ta0n baru. Hurmmmmmm..

Well, bulan Ramadhan ni masa saya sungguh terisi. With program buka pose ngan kawan2, best frens, colleagues, geng2 bas skola, geng bace buku, haih mcm2 geng la plak. Ehehe..

Towards d end of Ramadhan pun, boley kata almost everyday ada prog. Biasa la hari2 terakhir bulan pose. Tapi still hoping dat I can do the terawih as well.

Selamat berpuasa to all Muslims! Take advantages to increase our good deeds in this holy month. =)

With Love,
Lady Zera

Monday, August 30, 2010

Niat Ramadhan N' National Day

Semalam (Ahad) 29 Ogos 10, I lepak2 jer kat umah. Oh my all-day relax weekend!

Alhmdlh. 1 mission accomplished. I had organized my closet n most of the thing: had screened my clothes for donation purpose. Yup, saya ingin menderma. Dah lama saya memasang niat n hajat ini. And, I think this Ramadhan month is the best month to fulfill my nawaitu nih. :)

A have a bulk of my gud clothes to be donated. Tak semua pakaian terpakai. Kalau yang terpakai pun semua still elok n cantik n baru, some I jz wore it 2,3 times. Ada yang langsung tak penah pkai. Tak pakai atas faktor-faktor tertentu. Bdw, all is still nice, can be wear. Sume elok2 lagi.
Saya dah search few charity homes utk I donate baju-baju ni. Jz belum contact lagi. Wil do ASAP, insyaAllah. Semoga Tuhan berkati usaha saya ini. Aminnn. (>_<)


Hepy National Day to all Malaysian.

I my Malaysia, proud 2b Malaysia.

Dear God,

Plez give our Malaysia eternal peace and unity. Jadikan Malaysia ini bangsa yang terus maju, cemerlang, gemilang n terbilang.

Aminn. (>_<)


What about Merdeka?

Merdeka dari penjajah.

Merdeka dari pemikiran yang dijajah, kolot, sempit dan tidak bertamadun.

Merdeka dari kedukaan n kesedihan.

Merdeka dari penindasan dan kemusnahan.

Merdeka dari sikap irihati, hasad dengki dan sifat buruk.

Merdeka dari kelalaian n kealpaan.

Merdeka dari kegelapan n kesesatan.

Merdeka dari segala-galanya. Everything.


Diri ini jua ingin merdeka dari kekusutan fikiran n keresahan jiwa.

Ya Allah, semoga Kau terus beri ketenangan n ketabahan dalam diri ini. Aminnn..

With Love,
Lady Zera